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Legends Tutors LLC is a 24 hour tutoring service dedicated to providing families with in-person or online options of high-quality, personalized education experience. It is designed to provide tutoring at times that are convenient for both parents and students.  Students can learn at their own pace and in their home environment. Students can continue their general education curriculum after school hours or access alternative learning materials & methodologies.


At Legends Tutors we are committed to providing and maintaining a culture of inclusion and diversity in learning. Our team members are passionate about serving students and families with open hearts and will always strive for excellence.


Mission Statement

Legends Tutors LLC will provide a one-to-one learning experience with diligence and consistency focused on Arizona State Standards. We strive to ensure that all families have access to support that can improve their children’s performance at school.


Who is this intended for?

Tutoring is designed to serve all K-8th Grade students in the general education classroom and K-12th Grade Special education students.

Book online for more details

Special Education 

Service Consultation

One-to-One Instruction

Consultation services for interpretation of IEPs and 504 Plans


Funding Guidance

Help with documents

Can provide assistance with completing forms for tuition scholarships


General Education

Instruction in Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies



What my past Principals have to say

Francoise demonstrated an incredible sense of dedication to students and created a positive learning environment.

Francoise collaboratively planned from curriculum maps and created common formative assessments to guide instructional practices with her grade level peers. Mrs. Laurent-Hatton's content knowledge and professional understanding of effective instruction were valuable resources she contributed to her grade level team. Mrs. Laurent-Hatton's end of year student academic growth data substantially exceeded her general education grade level colleagues this past school year.

Armando B. Chavez

Principal, Pueblo del Sol K-8 School

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